Sadistic Sid is our Editor. He would like to hear your complaints. He likes killing things (what do you expect from an editor?). He will send anything you send us to Shortcake Wes, and Shortcake Wes will post it on his page. Now, send away! If you're thinking of contributing, be sure to take a look at the "Contributor's Guidelines" section on this page. |
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 | Subscription Information Uh....everybody in SOMEbody's address book is subscribed to this magazine...but in case you didn't get the first letter that announced our opening for a reason or two, just send me your address and voila! I'll send you a letter everytime we're updated. |
Contributor's Guidelines Here I'll include a list of issues I'd like writers and artists who want to contribute to my e-zine to keep in mind. For example, I might include: Hey! Got stories? Contributions? Movie/Book/Or Music Reviews? Then send it here! Just don't bother sending me artwork or HTML. I don't know a darn thing about HTML, and I just don't know how to gwt them to post the pictures that I want! Sure, I can choose from the gallery. Well, send me artwork if you want. I'll save it until I can figure a way into posting it correctly. |