Ding! Venom and Croc start the match. Venom socks Croc in the jaw. Croc socks back. Venom grows big rock hard fists and throws a barrage of punches at his adversary. Croc is bleeding. He winds up his fists and punches the Lethal Protector in the chest. Venom is trying to catch his breath, after having it knocked out. Meanwhile, Croc is grinding his fist on the ground, waiting for the friction to burn his fist. Eventually his fist alights, but not before Venom gets back up. Venom has a symbiote, and symbiotes are vulnerable to fire. Croc tries to deliver a fiery punch to Venom but Venom is too fast. Venom is leaping backwards, and leaps right into the ropes...WHICH FLINGS HIM RIGHT INTO THE FLAMES OF CROC'S HAND! Venom is quickly engulfed in fire. Croc smothers the flame on his hand, but his hand is boiled and in great pain. His hand is nearly like a marshmallow that was shoved in the campfire for fifteen minutes. He blows on it but is tied up by Venom's web. Venom uses the flames burning his symbiote to alight the web, and Croc dies a horrible death (not really, in Wobble World no one can die. They just obliterate, spend time in a ceratin music video depending on whether they are good or bad, and come back). Looks like Venom triumphs! |  |